
Jobs in Timeshare (types)

Jobs in Timeshare (types)

If you live in, or near, a tourist hotspot you’ll find that jobs in timeshare are fairly easy to come by. The timeshare industry is one of the biggest employers in the world with over 5,000 resorts found in 120 different countries it employs an estimated 500,000 people (at least!). Here in Cancun and the Riviera Maya, Tafer Hotels & Resort has a number of fabulous opportunities for the right candidate. If earning high, working fewer hours and enjoying a challenge appeal, you should read on to learn more about jobs in timeshare.

Jobs in Timeshare

Have you ever stopped to wonder what kind of jobs will you find in this industry? Below are just three of the main roles you could fill in the timeshare structure, in addition to administrative and executive jobs.

Off Property Contact (otherwise known as OPC)

If you like to have flexible working hours and don’t mind being outside during some of your day you could be an OPC. An OPC (or, off property contact) is mainly tasked with rustling up interest for the sales presentations which take place in the resorts. They will be armed with freebies and discounts to give potential customers, and may be stationed in the town center, at the international airport, or even on the boardwalk. If you’re not able, or you don’t like to, spend 8 hours per day in an office this could be one of the best jobs in timeshare for you.

In-house concierge roles

When you work in-house you are the first point of contact for the guests staying at the hotel/resort. Although they may have seen an OPC at this point, guests are more likely to be open to your message at this point in time because they will not yet have been bombarded by other timeshare companies representatives on every street corner in town. You will also be armed with discounts and goodies to offer as incentives to potential customers. Your role is to convince them that the timeshare tour and sales presentation is worth taking the time to attend. This is one of the more glamorous jobs in timeshare.

Sales team

One of the best paid jobs in timeshare for the right candidate, working in the salesroom is a challenging, high intensity role which requires a person to be self-motivated, energetic, and charismatic. The benefits are many, but most notably you’ll have shorter working days (the salesroom closes at 2pm), and the potential to make a lot of money through the commission scheme. Of course the pay off is that you have targets to meet; it pays to be constantly on you’re a-game in this role. It’s up to you to help your client see the vacations they could enjoy in their timeshare, and, when they’re ready, talk numbers and close the deal.

Are you the right candidate for jobs in timeshare?

Many jobs in timeshare will require you to be comfortable working in a sales setting; you will need to be self-motivated, passionate, and conscientious. A natural ability to sell will help, of course, but it cannot carry you. A friendly and warm personality and a measure of care towards your customers will take you much farther.

If you have the motivation, a job in the timeshare industry can be incredibly lucrative and rewarding.